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Our vision is to improve the living conditions of our members and their neighbors by providing necessary help in many areas - spiritual, financial, sanitary, social, and educational.

The goals of Emmanuel Baptist Missionary Society of Haiti are:

   1) to glorify God by contributing to the expansion of His kingdom by planting functional churches and by transforming their members into mature and devoted disciples of Christ.

   2) to work toward the spiritual, social, economical, and cultural development of our church members, and their surroundings, and the Haitian nation at large. 

   3) to make available to the member churches the necessary improving tools, both in terms of human and financial resources, to be self-sufficient.


Société Missionnaire

Baptiste Emmanuel D'Haïti


Our society, Emmanuel Baptist Missionary Society of Haiti or Societe Missionnaire Baptiste Emmanuel d’Haïti (S.M.B.E.H) in French, was founded in 1989 by Rev. Wilner Maxy and a group of devoted Christians from Emmanuel Haitian Baptist Church of Miami, Florida. Emmanuel Haitian Baptist Church continues to be the sole supporter of the work, through the contributions of generous church members.


Two different boards cooperate to manage the Society: one in Miami, and the other in Haiti. A director serves as a liaison agent between them. Emmanuel Haitian Baptist Church in Miami names the representing board in Miami, and pastors from the different churches in Haiti form the other board. Each board meets independently and periodically to plan appropriate activities. The two boards meet annually in July during the general assembly to plan ahead for the organization.

International board (Miami): Rev. Wilner Maxy, President, Rev. Wadler Jules, Director, with 10 other members from Emmanuel Haitian Baptist Church.
National board (in Haiti):

Rev. Enol GEROME, Coordinator;
Rev. Rony EUGENE, Secretary;
Rev. Louis CLERVIUS, Treasurer;
Rev. Bénius PAUL, Member;
Rev. Ronald CASIMIR, Member;
Vanel Amisial, Legal Advisor.


- More than a dozen missionary trips where we provide free health care for the population where we hold our annual summer mission trip, we organize children’s vacation Bible school with toys distribution, hot meals and cold drinks, we plan and perform weddings for non-married people, and hold planning and teaching sessions with church delegates. 

- Education:
       We help toward paying teachers’ salaries at three schools (Saint-Louis du Nord, Ballade, and Moreau);
       We provide theological education through STEP (Séminaire de Théologie Évangélique de Port-au-Prince) and UCNH (Université Chrétienne du Nord d’Haïti) to five young men, and technical training others;
       We organize retreats for our church leaders in view of training them in vision settig and leadership (Cyvadier Hôtel in Jacmel: January 2007 ; Terrier-Rouge: Décembre 2008 ; Kaina Hotel in Morne Rouge – Cap Haitien: March 2011; Cavaillon: March 2012; Ballade – Port-de-Paix: February 2013. 

- Constructions:

We helped build church buildings in Terrier-Rouge, Pont-Matheux, Gonaïves, Balladé, Saint-Louis du Nord, Moreau, and Port-au-Prince). An orphanage is in construction in Mapou, near Gonaives. Plans for school buildings and a new sanctuary in Gerard - Leogane are being studied.



Haitian Emmanuel Baptist Church 

7321 NE 2nd Avenue 

Miami, FL 33138 


Phone: 305-757-7515 

Fax: 305-757-5573 



Sunday School: 9:00 A.M.

Worship Service: 10:45 A.M.
Youth Group: 4:30 P.M.
Evening Service: 6:00 P.M.


Bible Study: Wednesday 8:00 P.M.

Prayer service : Friday 8:00 P.M.

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